About The Management

The term management is very comprehensive .It is certainly broader than Organizational and administration. Management means the act getting people to accomplish desired goal. Management comprises facilitating planning, organizing, resourcing leading or directing and controlling an organization for efforts of accomplishing its set goals. A school management system is essential for every school to operate. It holds many crucial functions to ensure school runs smoothly. The teachers, staff and other external parties can collaborate easily through a centralized plateform. Thus keeping the above imperatives in mind the RIGLAM schools Committee was constituted on 1 st October 2021, by the President LBA ,Mr Thupsten Chhewang . The Committee members were hand-picked by him and his team and consist of eminent and well reputed Educationist & enthusiastic people from other varied backgrounds of social strata of Ladakh ,who have etched their mark in their respective fields in the society.

About The Management

President LBA's Message


I am happy to know that the website of the Jamyang School, Kaltse which is run by the Ladakh Buddhist Association is ready for launch. I am confident that this website will be of immense benefit to the staff, students and executive members of the education committee of the Ladakh Buddhist Association and the executive members of the Ladakh Buddhist Association, Sham branch. I am sure that this will also be helpful for those who are intersted to assit the school in whatsoever way for the promotion of wholesome education espacially for the students coming from relatively poor economic Background.

I convey my best wishes to all who are associated with the Jamyang School, Khaltse.

Chairman Edu-Committee Message


It is indeed a great honor and pride for me to be associated with the education board of Ladakh Buddhist Association Leh. With deep sense of inner gratitude, I pledge to work unconditionally in my full capacity for the welfare of schools mainly and other educational related works assigned to me in general. Our goal is to provide quality and affordable school education for all. Further, I would like to mention about two school namely: Riglam School Leh and Jamyang School Khaltsi. The above two are community run schools under the aegis of LBA, Leh. These two schools are uniquely different from other schools due to its mission and goal. Here, we provide admission under sponsorship schemes to children of socially backward and marginalized families to have access to quality education with the children of other well-off families. I believe each child is unique and has tremendous potential to learn. Our work is to provide the student every opportunity to reach his or her potential to the fullest. I also take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to those who are directly or indirectly associated with us in shaping the future of children studying in Riglam School Leh and Jamyang School Khaltsi. Hope this website provides a vibrant platform with detailed information about the schools. Eshey Tondup

Education Committee

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Mr .Eshey Tundup

Chairman of Education Committee LBA, Ex- Principal Lamdon Model school Leh , Director LEDEG

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Mrs Sarla Chhewang

Chairperson Riglam School
President Mahila Mandal
Recipient of the Prestigious Sarojini Naidu International Award

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Ms Tsewang Dolma

Exe-Officio Secretary

Principal Jamyang School 

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Mr. Sonam Dorjey, Phyang


Ex. ZEO Deptt of Education

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Ms Stanzin Kunzang, Chottness

Chair Riglam Hostel 

Ex. Principal Druk Padma Karpo School,Shey

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Padma Shree-Mr Chhewang Motup


CEO-RIMO Company


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Mr. Gelek Phunchok


Entrepreneur & Social Activist

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Mr Mepham Gyaltson


Entrepreneur &  Gandhi Fellow

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Mr Skarma Namtak


Founding member Jamyang school Khaltse

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Ms. Kunzes Dolma


General Secretary ,LBA women wing

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Venerable Thupstan Wangchuk


Founder New Mellinium School Leh

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Mr.Chemet Dorjey


Entrepreneur & Social Worker

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Mr Phuntsog Wangail


Business man

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Mr Tundup Dorjey


Business man

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Mr Sonam Tsering


Business man & Philanthropist